Because Every Child Matters: donations raised to date $873,685
Total fundraising goal = $1 million

Raised $873685 Goal $1000000

Each family that walks through the doors of Child Development Resources is on a journey—to find the skills, strength, and services to help their child learn and grow and be their child’s first and most important teacher. Some are referred by their doctor in response to a vision or hearing loss, low birth weight and prematurity, or a diagnosed genetic disorder. Others seek services because factors in their homes and family lives have made healthy child development difficult.

With one call to CDR’s 566-TOTS line, a team of teachers, therapists, and special educators are there, ready to support and help these children and their families succeed. Working directly in families’ homes, in developmental playgroups, and in our child care centers, CDR helps families develop the skills they need to navigate the challenges that lie before them.

Child Development Resources was founded in 1965 as the Williamsburg Preschool for Special Children. This was decades before research had proven the benefits of early intervention services and federal and state laws had mandated early childhood special education.

Our Campaign
CDR is the only Early Intervention provider for infants and toddlers with disabilities or developmental delays in Williamsburg, James City County, York County, and Poquoson, and the only Early Head Start program for children who are placed at risk because of poverty or other family circumstances. To help continue our work into the next 50 years, CDR has launched a campaign to raise $1 million. The funds raised will help us continue our important work into the next 50 years! Double your donation in celebration of CDR’s 50th Anniversary and a generous donor will match up to $50,000!

Your contribution will…
Enhance services to children and families, such as speech, occupational, and physical therapies, and early childhood and parenting education;
Ensure that we retain and recruit first-class service providers; and
Sustain our facilities to assure safe and nurturing environments for families we serve.

Leave a Legacy
It’s no secret that the work we do depends upon your  good will. For the past 50 years, Child Development Resources has helped thousands of children and families gain the services and resources needed to improve their lives.

Planned Giving is a vital part of the long-term future of Child Development Resources.

By including CDR in your will, you demonstrate a commitment to our work far into the future and set an excellent example for others to follow. Please help us continue to offer services to children and families for many years to come.

For more information on leaving a legacy, contact the Development Office at CDR (757) 566.3300 or
click here.